September 17, 2010

1st Day of Pre-School

For us this means coffee, hot cocoa, in our jammies, on the upstairs coach....

we put together corban's moonjar for our math lesson today. He is pretty excited about it...thanks auntie Joey!

we read the book as part of our lesson too...that was Peyton's favorite part as always.

September 10, 2010

Mommy's Little Helper...

Took some photos of Peyton with my camera and sitting at my computer. I need an assistant so I thought I would get her started now.... just kidding, it is for a book I am making for her.

how do you turn this thing on....

Hey, I am suppose to be taking your photo...


already taking her work very seriously...

Fall Photos with Nana

September 6, 2010

1st Haircut!

Peyton was super excited to get her 1st haircut; and it was definitely overdue. Her hair was so pretty but getting kind of unmanageable. She was such a good girl; did everything she was asked to, sat very still and even helped with styling ideas. In fact, when I was asked "Mom, would you like me to put some layers in the back", Peyton promptly answered "yes", on my behalf.


Almost done:

Happy girl. Although it wasn't intended it does look a bit like my cut. I guess I get my mini me since Dave has Corban.

September 4, 2010

Breakfast with Becca!

Got to spend some time with Becca today; it was great. Breakfast in downtown Bigfork at Pocketstone (really great food), a short drive to the other side of town, an unfortunate bee sting incident (completely my fault, I felt like such a jerk but Becca just laughed about it as usual. We always have something out of the ordinary happen when we are together; I guess it helps us remember), and a photo op in front of the playhouse.

Miss you Bec!

September 1, 2010

Corban's Birthday

Corban was a lucky duck this year and ended up having 3 birthday parties! Just our family on his actual birthday, 1 with his friends and Nana and Grampa the weekend of his birthday, and a 3rd one with Aunt Joey and Grandy and Grampa. So, lots of photos!




Party #3: